Entries by admin

Post Covid-19, Will We Immediately Return To The “Rat Race”?

Here’s the rough outline of a conversation starter that we have in clinic with patients on a very regular basis… “So, following assessment, there is no evidence of any significant structural damage or injury…..this appears to be a protective pain response, and stress response, from your body, where your body is producing symptoms in response […]

Working From Home – Advice From A Physiotherapist

Working From Home – Are You Feeling The Strain Yet? With many of us moving away from our offices and setting up to work from home, we are seeing more complaints about neck, shoulder and back pain. Laptops and dining room chairs may have seemed comfortable enough at the start of lockdown, but as the […]

Tips For Getting More Active in 2021

Getting More Active in 2021… As we start a new year, a lot of us think about starting a new exercise program or perhaps getting back on track with our exercise routine. There are a multitude of ways to exercise (even with our current Covid-19 related restrictions these days), from walks, runs and cycling in […]

Planning Your Post- Lockdown Return To Tennis…

  Returning To Tennis Post- Lockdown As lockdown eases and we are able to get back to sport, it is important we gradually ease back into activity to prevent injury. I thought I would specifically write on a few tips on the safe return to Tennis. Being a Physiotherapist and being married to a competitive […]

What Has Lockdown Taught Us About Self-Care?

Here’s the rough outline of a conversation starter that we have in clinic with patients on a very regular basis… “So, following assessment, there is no evidence of any significant structural damage or injury…..this appears to be a protective pain response, and stress response, from your body, where your body is producing symptoms in response […]

What Is Proprioception? Why Is It Important?

Proprioception Many of the conditions we see at K.M. Woods Physiotherapy, Glasgow, incorporate some degree of proprioceptive deficit. Proprioception is an awareness of where our body is in space. Receptors in our joints and muscles give us feedback, so that without looking we know that for example one foot is moving in front of the […]

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar Fasciitis: At K.M. Woods Physiotherapy, Glasgow, Plantar Fasciitis is a condition we see regularly in clinic, and a primary cause of sole-of-the-foot pain and tightness. We’ve all heard the term Plantar Fasciitis and most certainly know at least one person who’s experienced it. Not many people actually understand what the condition is however, why […]

Common Causes Of Shoulder Pain

Common Causes Of Shoulder Problems At K.M. Woods Physiotherapy, Glasgow, shoulder pain is perhaps the most prevalent condition, alongside lower back pain, that we see in clinic. There are several primary diagnosis which can give rise to shoulder pain and stiffness, and loss of movement. Rotator cuff pathology The rotator cuff comprises of a group […]

Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder (FND)

FND is the second most common condition diagnosed by neurologists after headaches. It has also been known as Conversion disorder or Somatic Symptom disorder. Functional disorders are defined having no known organic cause/basis but are believed to be the result of psychological factors (however psychological factors are not required for a diagnoses). A diagnosis must […]